Search Results for: maritime law

Joshua Villanueva is a JURIST Assistant Editor and a 2L at UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings), He files this dispatch from San Francisco.  The recently-concluded Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders’ summit, originally designed to address economic challenges in the Asia-Pacific region, found itself overshadowed by the unfolding drama of the US-China relationship. As [...]


Law students from the European Union are reporting for JURIST on law-related events in and affecting the European Union and its member states. Jacky-Long Mouthuy is a law student at Maastricht University. He files this dispatch from Maastricht, Netherlands. As wildfires plague Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Spain and many other countries across the globe witness [...]


European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly has launched an investigation into the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) in connection with the June 14 sinking of a migrant boat in the Mediterranean that took more than 80 lives. Frontex was coordinating three maritime operations in the Mediterranean at the time. The ombudsman’s office is seeking to [...]


The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) gave British Columbia, Canada port employers a 72-hour strike notice on Wednesday, just hours after the federal Labour Minister and Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) declared the ILWU’s renewed strike efforts illegal. The ILWU went back on the picket lines Tuesday after members refused to ratify a tentative agreement [...]


Canadian unionised port workers in the Pacific coast province of British Columbia went on strike on Thursday. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) are currently undergoing negotiations on behalf of the workers with the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA). The Collective Agreement which has governed the relationship between the port workers and their [...]